Figure 2.
SK channel activity at different holding potentials. 1-s traces recorded from the patch in Fig. 1 exposed to 1.0 μM Ca2+ at membrane potentials of −60 and −100 mV (A and B, respectively). Channel openings are shown as downward deflections. Open-time (left) and closed-time (right) histograms are shown below each trace. Fitting a sum of two exponentials to the open-time distributions yielded at −60 mV: 1.4 ms, 40%; 10.6 ms, 60%; and at −100 mV: 1.2 ms, 40%; 11.0 ms, 60%. Fitting a sum of three exponentials to the closed-time distributions yielded at −60 mV: 0.74 ms, 57%; 5.2 ms, 25%; 36 ms, 18%; and at −100 mV: 0.65 ms, 58%; 3.6 ms, 28%; 26.7 ms, 14%. Relative amplitudes were obtained from the fitted exponential distributions.