Figure 2.
Measured parameters and fits for recombinant N-type channels (α1B/β2a/α2δ). (A) For a particular voltage, willing-reluctant interchange is modeled as a single upward and downward rate. (B1 and B2) Time constants, τ(V), and fraction of channels in the willing mode, W(∞,V), were collected using protocols described in Fig. 1. Fits were obtained using Eqs. 1–5 and simultaneously fitting both parameters using least squares protocol. (B3) Off rates, k off(V), were determined by combining Eqs. 1 and 2 such that: k off (V) = W(∞,V)/τ(V). The smooth fit was obtained by plotting Eq. 5 using parameters determined with fits from parts B1 and B2. (B4) The on rates, k on(V), were also determined by combining Eqs. 1 and 2 where: k on(V) = (1 − W(∞,V))/τ(V). Fits were obtained by inserting the values determined in B1 and B2 into Eq. 4. All concentration values, [Gβγ], for this figure and all following figures are set to one, assuming that concentration on average is equal.