Figure 2.
Germination and Elongation of rpe1 Pollen.
(A) to (D) and (F) to (J) Growth of pollen of rpe1 ([A], [C], [F], [H], and [I]) and the wild type ([B], [D], [G], and [J]) on rpe1 ([A], [D], [F], [H], and [J]) or wild-type stigmas ([B], [C], [G], and [I]). Pollen grains were stained with aniline blue at 30 min ([A] to [D]), 2 h ([F], [G], [I], and [J]), or 4 h (H) after artificial pollination. Arrowheads indicate pollen tube elongation. Bars = 200 μm.
(E) Germination and elongation frequencies of wild-type and rpe1 pollen. Open and closed bars represent the frequencies of wild-type and rpe1 pollen germination or elongation, respectively. Germination and elongation frequencies were estimated by staining with aniline blue at 30 min and 2 h after self-fertilization, respectively.