Fig. 7.
Morphological characterization. Microscope features of dendritic cells cultured with allogenic T cells (a,b,c). After 5 days' co-culture, a high rate of lymphocyte proliferation and the rosette formation are evident in both the healthy control (HC) and treated coeliac patient (TCD), whereas in the untreated coeliac patient (UCD), only loosely adherent clusters and isolated cells are evident and many lymphocytes show apoptotic features. Original magnification ×200. Microscope features of freshly isolated DC from UCD, TCD and HC stained with May–Grünwald–Giemsa (d,e,f). Even though freshly isolated DC do not exhibit the characteristic morphology because they require a period of in vitro culture, the typical differences between the two subsets are clearly evident, the plasmacytoid population showing a rounded morphology with an oval or indented nucleus (single arrow), whereas the monocytoid population has a more irregular outline and a hyperlobulated nucleus (double arrow). Original magnification ×500.