List of traits analyzed
Trait | Descriptiona | Units |
Branch length (BRLN) | Length of the lateral branch not including the length of the inflorescence and peduncle at the tip of that branch | Centimeter |
Female ear length (FERL) | Length of the female portion of the basal-most ear on the lateral branch | Millimeter |
Fruitcase weight (FCWT) | Average fruitcase weight based on 50 mature fruitcases | Gram |
Mean lateral branch internode length (LBIL) | Length of the lateral branch divided by the number of internodes in that branch | Centimeter |
Lateral inflorescence branch number (LIBN) | Number of branches in the tassel or inflorescence that terminates the lateral branch | Count |
Number of female cupules (NFCP) | Number of female cupules in the basal-most ear on the lateral branch | Count |
Proportion of female cupules (PRFCP) | Ratio of the number of female cupules in the basal-most ear on the lateral branch divided by the total number of cupules (internodes) including any male portions | Proportion |
Proportion of female ear length (FELN) | Length of the female portion of the basal-most ear on the lateral branch divided by the total length of the ear including any male spikelets | Proportion |
Plant height (PLHT) | Length of the primary stalk from the ground to the tip of the primary tassel | Centimeter |
Days to pollen (POLL) | Days from planting to first visible anthers on a single plant | Days |
Days to silk (SILK) | Days from planting to first visible silks on a single plant | Days |
Staminate score (STAM) | Fraction of the male spikelets in the inflorescence that terminates the lateral branch | Percentage |
Tiller number (TILL) | Number of tillers at time of pollen shed | Count |
All lateral branch traits were measured on the uppermost well-formed lateral branch.