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. 2007 Jun 12;84(4):615–631. doi: 10.1007/s11524-007-9197-z


Strategies to improve immunization rates for the general and HTR populations during a pandemic situationa

Challenge Strategies for the general population Additional strategies for HTR populations
At the individual level
Alert target populations to the need to be vaccinated Recognize and address rumors rapidly Partner with trusted organizations
Mobilize mass public vaccination programs quickly Engage the community and target population
Improve access with community-based sites; home visits, convenient hours of operation
At the provider level
Expand the provider pool Mobilize additional nurses and pharmacists
Maintain documentation
Simplify vaccine administration protocols Keep vaccination protocol fast and simple
Estimate rates of adverse events and be prepared to manage them promptly
At the structural level
Prioritize population segments Families of first responders have requested tier 1 coverage Follow NVAC/ACIP recommendations for prioritization
Involve the public in prioritization planning
Implement an information dissemination plan Develop and distribute communication and education materials
Test outreach messages with target groups
Plan for a Federal distribution program Provide current information to the public via the news media Plan well in advance and coordinate logistics at all levels
Develop state-based plans for vaccine distribution Statewide plans should address underserved populations
Be prepared: know state and local vaccination rates
Test the plan under simulated conditions Clearly delineate responsibility and authority
Select vaccine distribution points before the crisis Planning is key Use nontraditional settings
Vaccinate in nontraditional settings and at convenient times Identify and recruit organizations to distribute vaccine to HTR populations
Improve technology to increase vaccine capacity Find better ways to manufacture
Maximize use of limited vaccine stocks Investigate use of adjuvants
Evaluate dose-optimization strategies

aStrategies outlined for the general population are not meant to be fully comprehensive and may also be applicable to HTR populations.

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure