Information on weight regulation, energy intake, and output balance. |
Weight reduction is difficult; 95% of people fail to benefit from weight reduction programs. |
Define realistic goals (e.g., maximally 5% loss of body weight) because overoptimistic goals are discouraging. For many people, it is a better option to accept being overweight than to fail permanently in dietary programs. |
Define behavior changes (eating behavior, physical activity) that can be maintained for months or even years. |
Avoid cycles of restraint eating and overeating; try to adopt a stable eating behavior pattern. |
Do plan more physical activity as precise as possible (When? What? Who can support you? What are possible motivational barriers? How can they be overcome?). |
In case of increased genetic risk (e.g., ≥50% of parents and siblings are overweight): |
Inform patient about the heredity of obesity (twin studies). |
Inform patient about molecular transmission of obesity-relevant genes. |
If obesity is inherited, patients should not feel guilty because of being overweight. |
Realistic goals (see above) are more important. |