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. 2007 Oct 20;22(12):1711–1717. doi: 10.1007/s11606-007-0405-z

Table 2.

Ratings of Intern’s Professionalism by Intern Characteristics

  Lowest 10% Upper 90% p value
(n = 107) (n = 962)
Age at USU matriculation 24.8 24.8 .9
Female 19.8% 24.5% .32
Race .015
 White 72.1% 81.4%
 Black 4.7% 1.9%
 Hispanic 2.3% 4.5%
 Asian 14.0% 10.0%
 Other 7.0% 2.2%
Financial significance of attending USU .61
 Very important 71.0% 59.9%
 Somewhat important 25.8% 35.3%
 Not very important 3.2% 3.2%
 Not important at all 0.0% 1.5%
Marital status at USU matriculation 0.58
 Single 66.7% 58.5%
 Married 33.3% 40.0%
 Divorced 0.0% 1.5%
Marital status at USU graduation .26
 Single 25.8% 25.3%
 Married 64.5% 71.5%
 Divorced 9.7% 3.0%
 Widowed 0.0% 0.2%
Children at USU matriculation 29.0% 18.0% .16
Children at USU graduation 32.3% 40.7% .35
Prior military affiliation 51.8% 53.3% .83
Highest degree before USU .043
 Bachelors 84.9% 90.6%
 Masters 15.1% 7.9% .026
 Doctorate 0.0% 1.4% .34
 Total 30.3 29.8 .22
 Biological sciences 10.1 10 .83
 Physical sciences 10.5 9.9 0.012
 Verbal reasoning 9.8 9.8 .72
Undergraduate grades
 Cumulative 3.47 3.45 .59
 Science 3.45 3.43 .45
 Other 3.5 3.5 .96
Average USU admission interview score 2 1.9 .12
Annualized USU grades
 MS1 2.82 3.02 .001
 MS2 2.86 3.08 <.001
 MS3 3.01 3.33 <.001
 MS4 3.32 3.52 <.001
Cumulative USU grades
 MS1 2.82 3.02 .001
 MS2 2.84 3.05 <.001
 MS3 2.9 3.15 <.001
 MS4 3 3.23 <.001
 Clinical science (MS3 and MS4) 3.18 3.43 <.001
Class rank
 After MS1 45.6 37.3 .001
 After MS2 62.9 49.8 <.001
 After MS3 63.3 46.5 <.001
 After MS4 62.3 44.6 <.001
USMLE scores
 Step 1 204.6 209.3 .018
 Step 2 200.7 205.9 .016
USMLE attempts
 Step 1 1.01 1.05 .24
 Step 2 1.03 1.03 .71
Academic deceleration for any reason 8.1% 5.4% .29
Repeated any year 0.0% 1.1% .32
Major life crisis during medical school 29.0% 24.8% .6
Reported effects of major life crisis 0.028
 Major effect 55.6% 22.6%
 No effect–moderate effect 44.4% 77.4%
Academic difficulty noted 22.1% 12.2% .009