curves (A and C) and conductance-voltage curves (B and
D) for five experiments (represented by different symbols) with human red blood
cells treated with 10 μM DIDS
(pH 7.5, 23°C), determined
as described in materials
and methods. Solid lines
represent best fits of the voltage-gated mechanism of
transport (A and B) and the
single barrier model (C and
D) to the same set of experiments. The five experiments
(each with six different concentrations of [K+]o) were as
follows: two experiments with
1 μM valinomycin (filled circles
and squares); one experiment
with 3 μM valinomycin (filled
triangles), and two experiments with 60 ng/ml gramicidin in choline medium (hollow circles and squares). Each
data point in B and D represents the slope conductance
between adjacent data points
in A from the same experiment, and is plotted at the
midpoint of the voltage for
each pair of data points. The
solid lines in C and D represent best fits of the single barrier model to the data, according to Eq. 5 for C and Eq.
7 for D (see text), with γ =
0.43 ± 0.02. The solid lines in
A and B represent best fits of
the voltage-gated mechanism of transport, according to Eq. 14 for A and Eq. 12 for B (see text). For this mechanism, the maximal conductance, g
max = 0.055 ± 0.005 S/g Hb (SD, n = 5), was taken from the measured slopes between −50 and −100 mV, corresponding to 10 and
1 mM [K+]o, in each experiment. From the curve fits, the voltage Eo giving half-maximal conductance is −27 ± 2 mV, and the equivalent
gating charge zG is −1.2 ± 0.3.