A, BAL fluid PGE2 content was significantly elevated in COX-1 Tr mice, whereas levels of other PGs were not significantly altered (*, p < 0.05 vs WT; n = 11 WT and 15 COX-1 Tr). B–F, Airway responsiveness to aerosolized methacholine was reduced in COX-1 Tr mice as determined by parameters fit to the single compartment (B and C) and constant phase (D–F) models of respiratory mechanics (*, p < 0.05 vs WT; n = 14 WT and 13 COX-1 Tr). G, Calculated PC values of methacholine aerosol for R, E, Rn, G, and H were greater in COX-1 Tr mice than in WT mice, indicative of decreased sensitivity to methacholine (*, p < 0.05 vs WT; n = 14 WT and 13 COX-1 Tr).