Fig. 5.
Modules “a”/“A” and “b”/“B” display different effects of ester group position on amounts of modular 2-DG uptake. Shown here are responses to isomers of seven-carbon esters differing in their alcohol portion from one carbon (methyl caproate) to five carbons (amyl acetate). For each rat, uptake across modules was averaged in units of nCi/g wet weight of tissue and was divided by the average uptake measured in the same units in the subependymal zone of a restricted range of coronal sections from the same rat (Johnson et al., 1999). Error bars denote the standard error of the mean across the different animals. Modules “a” and “A” show a progressive decrease in 2-DG uptake as the alcohol portion lengthens (and the acid portion shortens), while modules “b” and “B” show a U-shaped curve indicating greater uptake when the ester bond is on either side of the molecule.