FIG. 1.
UpDp proximal chromosome 11 microarray tissue expression profiles. (A) Ddc expression levels in T65H proximal MatDp11 versus PatDp11 mouse tissues as quantified using an Affymetrix U74v2 array probe set 160074_at (newborn heart, liver, carcass, and e13.5 placenta) and 430v2 array probe set 1426215_at (newborn brain, e13.5 embryo). Both probe sets are complementary to the same target sequence in exon 15. UpDp tissue expression profiles recovered for the two known imprinted genes Grb10 (B) and U2af1-rs1 (C) contained within the same UpDp region are shown for comparison. Where present, asterisks indicate statistically significant differential expression (GCOS change P ≤ 0.003) between MatDp11 and PatDp11 tissues.