FIG. 7.
DNA methylation analysis of the Ddc_exon1a promoter region. (A) Schematic of the Ddc/Grb10 genomic interval, showing relevant sequence features. Genes are shown as open boxes, CpG islands are shown as shaded boxes, and the CpG island allelic methylation status (where known) is indicated by solid (methylated) or open (unmethylated) circles. The position of the maternally methylated Grb10 CGI2 region (gDMR) is shown (5). (B) Enlarged view of the ∼400-bp Ddc_exon1a promoter region. Relevant CpG dinucleotides (numbered 1 to 5) are shown as filled lollipops. A C→A SNP between B6 and CAST strains was used to infer parental origin of the strands (vertical arrow). (C) Bisulfite DNA sequencing profiles of the Ddc_exon1a promoter region in newborn heart, newborn brain, and adult heart tissues derived from reciprocal B6 (B) × CAST (C) intersubspecies hybrids with the maternal (Mat) and paternal (Pat) origin of the strands indicated. Methylated and unmethylated CpGs are represented as solid and open circles, respectively.