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. 2007 Aug 15;16(11):1755–1775. doi: 10.1007/s00586-007-0433-8

Table 2.

Quality of reviewed studies

Quality criteria 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Carey 2000 y y y ? y n n n ? y y y n n n
Dionne 1997 y ? y n y y n n ? y y y y y n
Dionne 2005 y y y n y n y n ? y y y y y n
Epping-Jordan 1998 y y y y y y y n ? y y y n n n
Hansson 2000 n ? n ? y y y n ? y y y p n n
Karjalainen 2003 y ? y ? y ? y y ? y y y y n n
Klenerman 1995 y ? y ? y n n n ? y y y y n n
Leroux 2004 y ? p n y y y n ? y y y y n n
Loisel 2002 y y y ? n n n y ? n y y y n n
Truchon 2005 y ? y n y n y y ? y y y y y n
Van der Weide 1999a y ? y y y y n y y ? y y y y n
Van der Weide 1999b y ? y y y y n y y ? y y y y n
Von Korff 2003 y y y n y n n n ? y y y y n n
Von Korff 2005 y y y n y n n n ? y y y y n n
Wahlgren 1997 y y y y y y y n ? y y y n n n
Williams 1998 y y y y y y y n ? y y y n n n

Items 1 Was the hypothesis/aim/objective of the study clearly described (prognostic)? 2 Were the patients enrolled consecutive?

3 Were the main characteristics of the included patients in the study clearly described? 4 Was the response rate at baseline at least 80% of the possibly eligible patients? 5 Were the psychosocial data collected with validated instruments? 6 Were data on physical workload collected?

7 Was a clear definition of non-specific low back pain used? 8 Was the treatment standardised?

9 Were prognostic factors that were assessed addressed by treatment? 10 Statistical adjustment for important prognostic factors?

11 Were the statistical methods adequately described? 12 Was the outcome clearly defined? 13 Were the outcome measures available for at least 80% of the included patients? 14 Was the model cross validated in a group of patients different from the group in which it was derived, preferably with different clinicians? 15 Was there a serious methodological flaw not covered by the check-list?

y yes; n no; p partially, ? means not reported/not clear