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. 2007 Jul 21;16(11):1944–1950. doi: 10.1007/s00586-007-0438-3

Table 1.

Anterior, middle and posterior vertebral body heights on lateral X-ray

Median vertebral body height on lateral X-ray Pre-kyphoplasty (mm) First post-kyphoplasty day (mm) 12-month post-kyphoplasty (mm) Percentage increase over pre-kyphoplasty vertebral body height (%) Percentage increase over estimated pre-fracture vertebral body height (%)
Anterior 13.5 21.1 20.8 51.25 23.16
 IQR 9.8–18.7 16.8–24.2 16.5–23.5 17.21–93.22 11.93–36.52
 Min/max 7.8/20.2 12.2/30.2 12.1/29.9 14.66/230.21 8.29/66.94
Middle 11.6 18.2 18.1 52.29 28.73
 IQR 7.7–14.4 15.5–21.3 15.4–20.8 26.50–126.17 16.31–45.74
 Min/max 6.9/20.1 12.0/28.9 12.0/28.7 22.90/300.91 11.62/68.86
Posterior 25.6 28.2 28.1 9.84 8.85
 IQR 22.4–28.6 26.2–31.1 26.1–31.1 4.94–19.26 4.94–16.37
 Min/max 20.2/33.9 24.1/36.5 24.1/36.5 2.52/53.88 1.42/23.44

IQR inter-quartile range, Min/max minimum/maximum values

All vertebral body height increases were statistically significant (P < 0.001)