Relative pptA mRNA levels in defined isogenic backgrounds. Real-time RT-PCR amplification of tbpA mRNA (5) served as an internal reference/control. Negative controls included reactions performed without reverse transcriptase; no products were detected under these conditions (not shown). The values are means ± standard errors of the mean; n = 3. Bars: 1, wt (N400); 2, pilV(Fs) (GV1); 3, pilV(Fs) pptA::kan (KS10); 4, pilV(Fs) pptA::kan iga::pptA (KS27); 5, pilV(Fs) iga::pptA (KS26); 6, pilV(Fs) pptA::kan iga::pptA(Ind) (KS11) induced with 0.25 mM IPTG. pptAwt and pptAiga refer to pptA allele status, with the gene at either the endogenous locus (wt) or the ectopic locus (in iga). ind., ectopic, inducible pptA in its derepressed state.