FIG. 1.
Induction of leukopenia in SCID mice by MVMp invasive variants. (A) Histopathology of MVM infection in SCID mice. (Two left panels) MVMp mutant capsid expression and intranuclear inclusion bodies (arrows) in bone marrow or spleens of infected mice (specimens were subjected to immunohistochemistry staining); (two right panels) depletion of myeloid cells and hypocellularity in the spleens of infected mice (specimens were stained with hematoxylin and eosin). BM-I362S, bone marrow from I362S virus-infected mouse; S-K368R and S-Mock, spleens from K368R virus- and mock-infected mice. (B) Survival (dotted lines) of and levels of circulating WBC (solid lines) in I362S and K368R virus-infected mice at the indicated wpi (n, 5 mice per virus from two independent experiments). Survival data were taken from reference 28. (C) Multiplication of MVMp variants in organs of leukopenic mice (n = 3) as monitored by the accumulation of infectious virus (upper panel) and of intermediates of replicative DNA (dimeric [dRF], monomeric [mRF], and single-stranded DNA [ss]) of the I362S variant (lower panel). K, kidney; L, liver; I, intestine.