Prevention of poly(I:C)-induced activation of an NF-κB promoter and the IRF-3-depedent promoter by NS1 protein. (A) NF-κB promoter assay. 293T cells were cotransfected with pNF-κB-Luc and pTK-RL plasmids along with the specified NS1 plasmids, with or without subsequent poly(I:C) transfection. (B) ISG-54 promoter assay. Vero cells were cotransfected with pISG-54-Luc and pTK-RL plasmids along with the specified NS1 plasmids, with or without subsequent poly(I:C) transfection. Bars: 1, pCAGGS; 2, pCAGGS with poly(I:C); 3, p12NS1 with poly(I:C); 4, p27NS1 with poly(I:C); 5, p12NS1P42S with poly(I:C); 6, p27NS1S42P with poly(I:C).