Fig. 4.
Contrast estimates and 90% confidence intervals for: (A) Main effect of scanner in thalamus at [9, − 30, 0; x, y, z] for contrasts of scanners 1 and 2; scanners 2 and 3; scanners 3 and 4; scanners 4 and 5; scanners 5 and 6. (B) Main effect of group in thalamus at [9, − 30, 0; x, y, z] for contrast of AD and controls. (C) Main effect of group in medial temporal lobe at [− 28.5, − 24, − 9; x, y, z] for contrast of AD and controls. (D) Main effect of scanner in medial temporal lobe at [− 28.5, − 24, − 9; x, y, z] for contrasts of scanners 1 and 2; scanners 2 and 3; scanners 3 and 4; scanners 4 and 5; scanners 5 and 6.