Table 3.
Treatment and Response to Therapy
Patient | CPAP Pressure (cm of water) | Groaning Response during CPAP | Surgical intervention | Oral appliance | Response to surgery/oral appliance | Follow-up duration/Result |
1 | 7 | Resolution | Adenotonsillectomy | Yes | Resolution with combined treatment | 3 years/Resolved |
2 | 9 | Resolution | None | No | NA | 12 months/ Resolved with CPAP nightly |
3 | 8 | Resolution | Tonsillectomy, pharyngoplasty | Yes | Persistent postoperatively, but resolved with combined therapy | 3 years/Resolved |
4 | 8 | Resolution | Adenotonsillectomy, septoplasty, and turbinate reduction. | No | Significantly reduced groaning | 3 years/Resolved |
5 | 10 | Resolution | None | No | NA | One month/ Ambivalent about CPAP |
6 | 10 | Resolution | Adenotonsillectomy, pharyngoplasty, septoplasty | Yes | Improved with oral appliance, resolved with combined treatment | 3 years/Resolved |
7 | 7 | Resolution | UPPP, after consultation at an outside center | No | Unknown | No follow-up. |
CPAP = continuous positive airway pressure; cm = centimeter; UPPP = uvulopalato-pharyngoplasty