Figure 11.
Cs+ and NH4 + selectivity is not a function of cGMP in recombinant bovine rod α or αβ cGMP-gated channels. Panels illustrate I–V curves measured using cGMP concentration ramps in the presence of biionic solutions of either Cs+ (150 mM)/Na+ (150 mM) (top) or NH4 + (150 mM)/Na+ (150 mM) (middle). (Left, top and middle) Currents measured in α channels. (Right, top and middle) Currents measured in αβ channels. Reversal potentials as a function of [cGMP] for Cs+ (bottom left) or NH4 + (bottom right) measured in α (▴) and αβ (•) channels. Open symbols are data measured with steps of cGMP, while filled symbols are data measured with a cGMP concentration ramp in the same membrane. The average reversal potentials are, for α channels: Cs+ = 28.3 mV; NH4 + = −31.8 mV, which correspond to PCs/PNa = 0.32 and PNH4/ PNa = 3.59. For αβ channels: Cs+ = 22.5 mV and NH4 + = −24.5 mV, which correspond to PCs/PNa = 0.40 and PNH4/ PNa = 2.68.