(A) A 2% agarose gel electrophoresis of RT-PCR products of human K562 RNA with the primer pair 238–254 and 5,130–5,101. (B) The incorporation of the 48-nt segment into a Dnmt1 transcript of an approximate length of 5,000 nt. Lane 1, PCR of the combined eluate from gel regions immediately above and below the Dnmt1 band in lane K562 in A; lane 2, PCR of the Dnmt1 band from lane K562 in A; lane 3, the same RT-PCR sample as in lane 2 of Fig. 2A. (C) RT-PCR “scanning” of Dnmt1 transcript. PCRs were carried out with different pairs of primers. The numbers above each lane indicate the nucleotide positions of the ends of DNA fragments amplified. Note that the alternative splicing of 48 nt is confirmed further by the appearance of double bands in both the second lane (nucleotides 238–718) and the third lane (nucleotides 601–1,001).