Figure 2.
Coexistence of INa and ICa in single rat uterine myocytes from different stages of pregnancy. Top trace shows voltage protocol applied to all cells shown. Holding potential −80 mV; step depolarized to 10 mV for 36 ms. All myocytes were bathed in solution containing (mM): 105 Na+, 3 Ca2+, 30 TEA+, 5 4-aminopyridine, and 5 Cs+. Pipette solution contained 120 Cs+, which, along with external TEA, 4-aminopyridine, and Cs+, was used to block outward K+ currents. Cell capacitances (pFs) are: 29.6 for nonpregnant (day 0) myocytes; 47.2 for day-5 myocytes; 90.8 for day-17 myocytes; 148.4 for day-21 myocytes, and 200 for postpartum myocytes. In all cells, fast and slower components are seen, which are identified as INa and ICa, respectively. Such currents were recorded in about half of nonpregnant and day-2–pregnant myocytes, and in >90% of late-pregnant myocytes. Note the variability of the currents in relative peak amplitudes and degree of overlap. At end of the depolarizing step, tail current is entirely ICa, because INa is fully inactivated by this time. Other details in text and Table III.