Figure 7.
Changes in OFF kinetics with channel activation. (A) A family of I gOFF evoked at 2100 mV after pulses to +140 mV of 0.06–20 ms duration (from Fig. 6 A). Current amplitude is maximal after a 0.5-ms pulse, but I gOFF decays more slowly as pulse duration increases. The baseline for each record is set to the mean current during an interval 4–5 ms after the pulse. (B) The decay of OFF currents are fit by double-exponential functions with τF = 15.5 μs and τM = 59 μs. (C) Q OFF obtained by integrating I gOFF from A achieves a steady state within 300 μs after a 0.06-ms pulse (arrow) but relaxes more slowly after longer pulses. (D) The kinetics of Q OFF relaxation after a brief (0.06 ms) or prolonged (10–20 ms) pulses are compared by plotting Q OFF–Q ss on a semilog scale. Q ss is the steady-state value of Q OFF measured 3 ms after the pulse. The 0.06-ms trace is fit by a single-exponential function (τF = 15.5 μs). The 10–20-ms trace, representing an average of 10-, 15-, and 20-ms records, is fit by a triple exponential (solid line, τF = 15.5 μs, τM = 59 μs, τS = 448 μs) where the individual components are indicated by dashed lines. (E) A family of Q OFF–Q ss for the data in C. Traces are fit with triple exponential functions with the time constants determined from D. (F) Q OFF component amplitudes from these fits are plotted versus pulse duration. The relaxation of all three components is fit by exponential functions (solid lines) with a time constant of 4.22 ms. Error bars represent the component amplitudes obtained when τM is changed by ±10% (with τF and τS held constant). The fast component of ON charge (Q fast) is indicated by an arrow. (G) Fast and Medium I gOFF component amplitudes determined from B are plotted versus pulse duration. Solid lines represent exponential fits with a time constant of 4.22 ms. (H) The allosteric model predicts three components of Q OFF relaxation corresponding to the indicated transitions in the gating scheme.