Figure 5. Compensatory retrieval is accurate and reliable for large Cm jumps.
A, the magnitude of endocytosis vs. the Cm jump for single depolarizations (40-640 ms duration; symbol for each duration as indicated). Total endocytosis in femtofarads was determined from the amplitude of the best exponential fit to the Cm decay (A, or A1+A2; see Methods) whilst the Cm jump was calculated from the average across the first 10 capacitance points subsequent to the depolarization. Therefore some compensatory endocytotic responses are significantly larger than the Cm jump, because membrane added after the time used for Cm jump calculation was retrieved accurately (i.e. ⋄, 550 fF at exocytosis, 780 fF at endocytosis). Excess retrieval events (undershoot > 100 fF) were excluded from analysis. Inset, expansion of the region 0-100 fF. Many Cm jumps in this region were not accompanied by endocytosis (decay undetectable based on inability to be fitted by an exponential function). B, stimulus-evoked responses were sorted independently by (a) exocytosis (i.e. size of Cm jump) or (b) Ca2+ entry, and the percentage of responses accompanied by endocytosis was calculated for each bin.