A, scatter diagram relating the frequency of the dominant sympathetic rhythm and that of the phrenic rhythm in 14 cases during normocapnia and normothermia, and 6 cases in hypocapnic apnoea (nos 1-6 indicate points taken from the same unit in both hypocapnia and normocapnia). ▪, during hypocapnic apnoea. •, during normocapnia (a denotes 2 cases superimposed). Dotted lines represent frequencies at which sympathetic and phrenic rhythms have a 3:1, 2:1, 1:1 and 1:2 relationship. Note that integer and non-integer ratios occur. B, scatter diagram relating the frequency of the dominant sympathetic rhythm to that of the artificial ventilation cycle during normocapnia and normothermia (n = 14). It can be seen that the artificial ventilation was never related 1:1 to the dominant sympathetic rhythm. Therefore the sympathetic bursts were not a direct result of the stimulation of afferents during the lung inflation cycle.