Figure 3. The α5 subunit is required for cytisine gating of α7-containing nAChRs in sympathetic neurones.
The amplitudes of cytisine (300 μM)-evoked currents in α5 minus neurones were measured and compared with responses obtained in these neurones following treatment with MLA (10 nM), or with α-BgTx (500 nM) and MLA (10 nM). Whereas α7-containing nAChRs gated by ACh were sensitive to block by α-BgTx and MLA (see Fig. 4 and Fig. 4 in preceding paper, Yu & Role, 1998), currents activated by cytisine in α5 minus neurones were not. Currents elicited by cytisine, following treatment of neurones with α5 antisense oligonucleotides, were unaffected by either α-BgTx or MLA.