A, superimposed sweeps of PF-mediated EPSCs (left traces) and glutamate-induced inward currents (right traces) elicited in one PC in control conditions and in the presence of 1 μm WIN55,212-2 (WIN) in the bath. The ionophoretic current pulses were 25 nA in amplitude and 400 ms in duration. Note the absence of any effect of WIN55,212-2 on the responses to glutamate application. Horizontal calibration bar, 50 ms for PF-mediated EPSCs and 1 s for glutamate-induced responses. B, plot of the amplitude, PPF and CV of PF- mediated EPSCs in one PC (upper, middle and lower graphs, respectively) against time, before and during bath application of 1 μm WIN55,212-2 for 10 min as indicated by the corresponding filled bar. In the upper graph, amplitudes of the first and second responses have been superimposed. In the middle and lower graphs, PPF and the CV were calculated as indicated in Methods. Insert, superimposed sweeps of PF-mediated EPSCs elicited in this PC by 2 successive PF stimulations with an interstimulus interval of 30 ms in control condition, and in the presence of 1 μm WIN55,212-2 in the bath. C, histogram of mean CV and PPF (means +s.e.m.) in control condition and in the presence of 1 μm WIN55,212-2 in the bath (WIN) for all tested cells (see Results).