1. What are the sources of information you used before prescribing the drug, or during the course of the treatment? |
2. What do you see as the primary objective of the PBS arrangements for access? |
3. What do you see as the strengths and weaknesses of the access scheme? |
4. Have you been involved in the consultation process in regards to developing restrictions or arrangements to access the TNF inhibitors via the PBS? If yes, |
i. Can you briefly describe your role in the consultation process? |
ii. Who else took part in the consultation process? |
5. Who do you think should take part in the consultation process for formulating the arrangements or restrictions for access? |
6. What is the extent of your contact with other rheumatologists, local general practitioners, administrators, consumer organization, the PBAC? And what were the purposes of these contacts? |
7. What do you see as the role and responsibility of the prescribers? The PBAC? The industry? Arthritis Foundation? |
8. Who, in your view, has responsibility in informing/'educating' the prescribers (and the public) regarding PBS restriction changes, or new complex PBS restrictions? |
9. How important an advance do you think the consultation approach and access arrangements represent? |
10. If a new and expensive drug comes along that is a significant advance for the treatment of a chronic disease, what differences would you like to see in the process of getting it listed and using it? |