Authors, year | City, country | Type of study | N | Source of data |
Berman et al.19, 1991 | Not applicable | Analysis of prevention on subway system | Not applicable | KI |
Clarke and Poyner14, 1994 | London, UK | Field study of suicide prevention | Not applicable | FS, MSR, KI |
Etzersdorfer and Sonneck11, 1998 | Vienna, Austria | Prospective observational study of media reporting | Not applicable | NR, FS |
Etzersdorfer et al.17, 1992 | Vienna, Austria | Study of suicide and media reporting | Not applicable | Not mentioned |
Gershon et al.2, 2005 | Not applicable | Review of health and safety hazards of subways | Not applicable | Literature review |
Guggenheim and Weisman31, 1974 | Boston, USA | Follow-up on psychodynamics of attempters | 51 attempts | CAS, AI, FI |
Guth et al.10, 2006 | New York City, USA | Study of demographics of injured presenting to hospital | 14 attempts; 208 injured | TR, ED, OS |
Lester12, 1995 | 17 cities | Comparison of subway and national suicide rates | Not applicable | OS |
Littmann20, 1985 | Toronto, Canada | Study of suicide and media reporting | Not applicable | MSR, NR |
Maclean et al.9, 2006 | New York City, USA | Study of demographics of subway-related traumas | 5–11 attempts; 41 amputations | TR |
O’Donnell et al.18, 1992 | London, UK | Case report of attempter who was HIV+ | Not applicable | CAS |
O’Donnell et al.16, 1993 | London, UK | Study on incidence of note-leaving | 36 probable suicides and 36 probable attempts | MSR, TPR, SN |
O’Donnell et al.15, 1994 | 17 cities | Editorial | Not applicable | MSR |
O’Donnell et al.35, 1994 | London, UK | Follow-up on mortality of attempters | 94 attempts | MSR, OS, DR, CR |
O’Donnell and Farmer13, 1995 | London, UK | Study of suicide statistics | 242 probable attempts | MSR |
O’Donnell et al.33, 1996 | London, UK | Follow-up on perspectives of attempters | 26 attempts | AI, CI |
AI attempter interviews; CAS case report; CI clinical interviews; CR coroner’s records; DR death registers; ED emergency department records; FI family member interviews; FS field study; HR hospital records; KI key informant interviews; MSR metro system records; NR newspaper reports; OS national or city-wide statistics; PI physician interviews; PR psychiatric records; SN suicide notes; TPR police or transit police records; TR trauma registry