Figure 3.
Single-channel voltage and concentration dependence of E340N mutant. (A) Current recordings from a membrane patch containing one E340N channel activated by 3 or 100 μM cGMP at −80 or +80 mV. The continuous lines indicate the closed channel level and the dotted lines indicate two conductance open levels. Amplitude histograms at +80 mV for 3 μM (B) or 100 μM (C) cGMP were fitted as the sum of three Gaussians and shown enlarged in the insets. Histograms were fitted with the following parameters. For 3 μM cGMP: P closed = 0.765, P o,low = 0.22, ilow = 1.1 pA, P o,high = 0.015, ihigh = 2.5 pA; for 100 μM cGMP: P closed = 0.01, P o,low = 0.925, ilow = 1 pA, P o,high = 0.065, ihigh = 2.5 pA.