Figure 3.
KCNE3 NH2-terminal truncation mutants produce standing currents at negative potentials when coexpressed with Q1. (A) TEVC recordings from Xenopus oocytes injected with Q1 and either Δ5-40 (left), Δ10-51 (center), or Δ41-55 (right). Traces were recorded in KD98 with a 13-s interpulse interval. Dashed line indicates zero current. Inset, “Activation Curve Protocol” of 2-s depolarizations used to elicit currents shown. (B) Voltage–activation curves from E3 NH2-terminal truncation mutants. Activation curve data were fit to a Boltzmann, and the data renormalized as described in materials and methods. Squares, Δ5-40; circles, Δ10-51; triangles, Δ41-55. Dotted lines indicate the voltage-independent activation of Q1 and Q1–E3 from the lower asymptotes of Q1 the corresponding Boltzmann fits. Data were averaged from four to six oocytes ± SEM. Scale bars represent 1 μA and 0.5 s.