The input resistance of lateral-wall compartments. A double-barreled K+-selective electrode was driven through the lateral wall to record the potential (red) and aK+ (blue); the input resistance was measured simultaneously as downward deflections in response to current pulses (50-nA/pulse, duration 200 msec) in the potential record. The upward deflections in the recording of aK+ are artifacts resulting from the current pulses applied to the neighboring potential electrode. The electrode encountered successively the perilymph (PL), the syncytium (Syn, filled arrowheads), the IS (filled arrows), and finally the endolymph (EL) (open arrows). Note the decline in the ISP during a period of anoxia (see Fig. 4). Expanded traces of the voltage responses to individual current pulses (open arrowheads, a–d) are shown below the main traces.