Figure 4.
Protection by PcsB and StkP in models of pneumococcal sepsis and pneumonia. Mice were immunized with recombinant PcsBN and StkPC (with 1% ALUM) and challenged with S. pneumoniae as follows: (A) 105 CFU of the PJ-1259 strain i.p.; (B) 5 × 106 CFU of the 6301 strain i.n.; (C) 105 CFU of the WU2 strain i.n.; or (D) 6 × 107 CFU of the EF3030 strain i.n. (A and B) Survival of animals was monitored for 10–14 d after challenge. Numbers of surviving mice are plotted as a percentage of the total. In A, P = 0.04 for StkP and PcsB, and P = 0.006 for PspA comparing time to death relative to the control group; in B, P > 0.05. (C and D) Lung colonization of individual mice is shown at day 3 after challenge, indicating the median CFU per lung (horizontal lines). Statistically significant differences based on the Mann-Whitney two-sample rank test are indicated. For all experiments, adjuvant-immunized mice served as negative controls.