Conflict or contribution at the remaining 23 nodes. Negative (red boxes) or positive (green boxes) values at each node are indicated for each partition and approach: P4 = PABA4, P3 = PABA3, P2 = PABA2, B = PBS, N4 = NDI, N3 = PABSA3, N2 = PABSA2, L = LILD. Significant values are indicated by a stronger colour than non-significant ones (dark green vs. light green; dark red vs. light red). For PBS, the results of the Templeton [70] test are also indicated in the first half of the box. Grey boxes indicate a value of 0 and white boxes that the approach was not applicable due an alteration from maximal or minimal support (i.e., BP = 100 or 5) to maximal or minimal support (i.e., BP = 100 or 5). Furthermore, degree of conflict indication (%C) and number of times (#F) the node was found in the most parsimonious trees or consensus trees of the 15 different possible combinations of partitions (Figs. 1, 3–5) is given. At all nodes DRI is 0.