Figure 15.
Representative effects of Gd+3 and CPZ on membrane anisotropy. Vesicles were isolated as described in materials and methods. Arrows indicate experimental changes. (A) Addition of Gd+3 caused a slow time-dependent decrease of anisotropy. This decrease was not dose dependent in that similar effects were observed with 50 and 100 μM Gd+3. As these experiments used DPH-HPC, which is an outer leaflet specific probe, these changes reflect effects of Gd+3 on the outer membrane leaflet. Data representative of five experiments. (B) Addition of CPZ caused a decrease of membrane anisotropy with a much faster time course than that observed with Gd+3. Data representative of four experiments. (C) Preincubation of vesicles at 4°C prevented the actions of Gd+3 on membrane anisotropy. These effects are consistent with those observed in Fig. 14 demonstrating the elimination of the effects of Gd+3 on Cm and the altered blocking kinetics of g m, in oocytes precooled to 4°C. These findings are taken as further support of the membrane actions of Gd+3. Data representative of three experiments.