Figure 6.
H&E and Immunohistochemistry Staining of E6.5 Decidual Balls
E6.5 decidual balls isolated from PHB+/− females mated with PHB+/− male were fixed in 10% formaldehyde, sectioned, and subject to H&E and immunohistochemistry staining. A-a and A-c, The H&E staining of a representative decidual ball containing a normally developed E6.5 embryo at two different magnifications. A-b and A-d, H&E staining of a representative decidual ball which does not contain noticeable embryo. PDZ, SDZ, and EM denote the primary decidual zone, secondary decidual zone, and embryo, respectively. B-a and B-c, Immunohistochemistry staining of a representative E6.5 embryo with anti-PHB antibody. B-b and B-d, Negative control staining in which the anti-PHB primary antibody was not included. B-e, Anti-PHB staining of another section of E6.5 embryo. B-f, Anti-β-galactosidase staining of the consecutive section of E6.5 embryo used for B-e. exec, Extraembryonic ectoderm; ep, epiblast; pac, pro-amniotic cavity.