Identification of clinical topic and family physician author or authors
Literature review and subsequent gap analysis document by medical education researcher
Practice cases around the identified gap in practice submitted by family physician author, editor, or other family physicians
Round-table discussion of gap analysis document and cases, involving author, editor, researcher, medical writer, and 2 or more family physician participants
Session is audiotaped by medical writer for subsequent referral
Draft of case commentaries by medical writer, followed by first and second drafts of module
Each document is reviewed by both physician author and medical editor (potentially medical education researcher)
The draft module is pilot-tested by 1 or more of small group’s members
Comments from the pilot-test groups are incorporated into the module and a new draft is produced
A near-final draft is sent to expert reviewers or family physicians with a special interest in the topic
Reviewers’ comments are incorporated into the module, copyedited, and formatted for printing