Figure 3.
Aggregation of Aβ on mica. (A–D) Tapping mode AFM images acquired in situ in a 10 μM solution of Aβ in PBS. The images correspond to the same area of mica and were digitally zoomed-in from 3- × 3-μm datasets. The images were aligned with respect to the features located in the upper left corner as well as with respect to additional reference points located outside the zoomed-in field of view. Nanoparticulate aggregates of Aβ appeared on the surface almost immediately after immersion in solution. They behaved as nanodroplets of a substance poorly wetting the substrate, exhibiting marked lateral mobility and a tendency to coalesce. The time interval between the images was 2,048 s. (E) Results of quantitative analysis of aggregation. As a function of time the number of particles per unit area decreased (top), whereas the volume of material deposited per unit area, i.e., the effective thickness Deff increased (bottom). Such behavior indicates the coalescence of nanodroplets. The analysis was performed on a 4.5-μm2 area of original 3- × 3-μm images.