Figure 5.
Application of vRLGS to the mouse NotI-EcoRV-HinfI profile to identify a tissue specific methylation locus and confirmation by BAC clone mixing gel. Mouse RLGS profiles zoomed in on section 2F. A) Actual mouse RLGS profiles from intestine and liver. The circled spot is present in the intestine profile but absent from the liver profile. B) vRLGS images of the same region with the extra spot filtering turned on in the first panel, but turned off in the second panel. The third panel shows the overlay of the mouse master profile where the spot of interest is not seen and the vRLGS profile with the extra spot filtering turned off. The intestine specific spot of interest is only seen on the vRLGS profile in the extra spot filtering is turned off. This candidate sequence from the vRLGS profile was confirmed to be correct by performing a BAC clone mixing gels shown in the third panel of A) where the spot of interest is greatly enhanced by the radio-labeled BAC.