Gfpex3 RNA is spliced and polyadenylated. (A) Northern blot analysis of total RNA from three strains each of gfpex3 and gfpex3R. The blot was probed sequentially with gfp, vit-2, and rol-6. Ratios of signals from the three probes: gfp/(vit-2)(rol-6) (gfpex3 strains) BL3314, 2.2; BL3316, 5.7; BL3317, 3.9; (gfpex3R strains) BL3324, 19; BL3325, 6.5; BL3326, 4.8. (B). Splicing of gfpex3 RNA analyzed by RNase protection of DNased total RNA from four strains of gfpex3 and three strains of gfpex3R, hybridized to a 32P-labeled RNA probe diagrammed in Fig. 2A. Unspliced RNA protects a product of 380 nt (US), and spliced RNA protects products of 297 nt (S) and 43 nt (not visible). (C) 3′ End formation of gfpex3 RNA. DNased total RNA from strain BL3315 (gfpex3) and BL3324 (gfpex3R) was analyzed by cleavage with RNase H in the presence of US oligo and oligo(dT)40. The blot of separated products was hybridized with a random-primed probe to uaf-1 exon 3. Molecular mass markers for A–C are RNA, with lengths expressed in kb (A) or nt (B and C).