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. 2007 Dec 5;46(2):618–626. doi: 10.1128/JCM.01186-07


Clinical and demographic features of a cohort of cats with lesions likely to be attributable to Mycobacterium sp. strain Tarwina

Case no., name of cat, and yr of diagnosis Breed, age (yrs) Gender Clinical sign(s) Pathology and biopsy findings (specimen available for DNA extraction) Lifestyle Sequence data obtained
1, Nina, 1999 (case 2 in reference 17) DSH, 2 FN Caudal right hock, then lateral digit on left forelimb Numerous AFB, branching morphology, no necrosis, routine culture negative (lyophilized tissue) Indoor/outdoor, occasional hunter 16S rRNA, ITS1, hsp65
2, Sasha, 2002 (case 1 in McCowan et al., submitted) DLH, 6 FN 5-mo history of raised corneal mass Numerous AFB within macrophages, scanty growth in BACTEC 12B at 31°C, no growth on subculture (BACTEC broth culture) Indoor/outdoor 16S rRNA, ITS1
3, Susie, 2003 (case 2 in McCowan et al., submitted) Burmese cross, 17 FN Cloudy eye that progressed to a thickened, red corneal mass Numerous AFB, grew in BACTEC 12B at 31°C, no growth on subculture (fresh corneal tissue) Predominantly indoor 16S rRNA, ITS1
4, Centrals, 2005 DLH, 3 MN Chin nodule and multiple nodules on head and feet Many AFB in biopsy tissue (frozen tissue sample) History of fighting 16S rRNA, ITS1
5, Simba, 2005 DSH, 4.5 MN Mouth and digit nodules NA (digit nodule tissue) NA 16S rRNA, ITS1, hsp65, rpoB, sodA
6, Jagula, 2005 Abyssinian, 8 FN Firm, rapidly growing mass over frontal sinus; bone under the lesion was roughened NA (MGIT broth culture) NA ITS1
7, Jazzy, 2005 DLH, 4 MN Eyelid nodule, 1-cm diam FNA showed macrophages with negatively stained bacilli (eyelid tissue) Indoor/outdoor, history of cat fight with scratches ITS1, hsp65
8, Runtie, 2005 DSH, 3 MN First lesion on right front digit (8-mm nodule), second lesion on left forearm (20-mm nodule) Biopsy showed multibacillary, lepromatous tissue (paraffin sections, forearm tissue) Indoor/outdoor, hunter 16S rRNA, ITS1, hsp65
9, Steel, 2005 DLH, 5 MN Multiple nodules, head and feet Biopsy showed multibacillary, lepromatous tissue (paraffin sections, head tissue) Indoor/outdoor, hunter 16S rRNA, ITS1, hsp65, rpoB
10, Jack, 2004 DSH, 3 MN Injury between digits on left rear foot turned into an ulcerated mass, removed surgically; 4 mo later developed a grape-sized enlargement of regional popliteal lymph node Biopsy of interdigital lesion showed epithelial macrophages, lymphocytes, plasma cells, neutrophils plus AFB; FNA showed popliteal lymph node lymphocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages containing NSB (paraffin sections) Indoor/outdoor, hunter 16S rRNA, ITS1, hsp65, rpoB
11, Zoe, 2003 DSH, 10 FN 1-mo history of stridor/stertor and a soft-tissue mass above the upper incisors; granulomas in caudal nasal cavity Masses of AFB in FNA of mass and nasal wash; no growth on routine culture (lyophilized tissue) 16S rRNA, ITS1, hsp65, rpoB
12, Old Tom, 2006 DSH, 6 MN Lumps on upper and lower eyelids Large no. of AFB seen in tissue sections (paraffin sections) 16S rRNA, ITS1, hsp65, rpoB
13, Pepper, 2006 DSH, 13 MN Swelling (4 mm) lateral to nose with ipsilateral epiphora Biopsy showed abundant epithelioid macrophages, giant cells, packed with AFB (paraffin sections) Mainly outdoor, hunter ITS1
14, Fang, 2004 DSH, 2 FN Lump on left forelimb and left carpal area (2-cm diam), dermal plaque with ulcerated surface FNA of lesion showed macrophages containing NSB (NA) Indoor/outdoor, known hunter with access to rats and mice NA
15, Hoover, 2005 DMH, 13.5 MN Mass on mandible just under chin (1-cm diam), painful, domed, hairless, smooth FNA of lesion showed neutrophils and macrophages containing NSB (NA) Mainly outdoor NA

Genetic loci for which nucleotide sequence information were obtained also are shown. Abbreviations: NA, not available; DSH, domestic short haired; DLH, domestic long haired; DMH, domestic medium haired; MN, male neutered; FN, female neutered; NSB, negatively stained bacilli; FNA, fine-needle aspirate.