Ascomycete Dicers and Argonautes. The predicted sequences for putative Dicers (A) and Argonautes (B) were used to assemble unrooted, noniterated phylogenetic trees (see Materials and Methods). Proteins were arbitrarily divided into two general groups (Q or M). Names for Aspergillus proteins, except A. nidulans RsdA, were derived from the names of the corresponding A. fumigatus orthologs proposed by Galagan et al. (23). Uncharacterized proteins from non-Aspergillus species were not given names. Abbreviations: A.c., A. clavatus; A.fl., A. flavus; A.fu., A. fumigatus; A.n., A. nidulans; A.o., A. oryzae; A.t., A. terreus, G.z., G. zeae; M.o., M. oryzae; N.c., N. crassa; N.f., N. fischeri; S.p., S. pombe.