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. 2007 Oct 4;36(Database issue):D222–D229. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkm800

Table 1.

Summary of the content and description of different PPT-DB databases

Database Description Database Description
2° Structure (cytoplasmic) 15 002 sequences 3-state 2° structure assignments obtained by VADAR (25) for non-membrane proteins Signal Peptide (Eukaryotic, Gram+, Gram−) 23 067 sequences 2-state signal peptide assignments obtained from SwissProt comment fields — grouped via organism type
EVA 2° Structure Test Set 7117 sequences 3-state 2° structure assignments via VADAR (25) for EVA's sequence-unique proteins (19) Accessible Surface Area (integerized) 14 871 sequences Residue-specific accessible surface area obtained via VADAR (25) and scaled to values between 0 and 9
2° Structure (membrane helix) 254 sequences 2-state 2° structure assignments obtained via VADAR (25) for helical membrane proteins Accessible Surface Area (%) 14871 sequences Residue-specific accessible surface area obtained via VADAR (25) and converted to percentage values
TMH Benchmark Test Set 2247 sequences 2-state 2° structure assignments for transmembrane helices from TMH Benchmark (20) B-factor (integerized) 10 332 sequences Residue-specific B-factors obtained directly from PDB files of X-ray structures and scaled to values from 0 to 9
2° Structure (membrane barrel) 41 sequences 2-state 2° structure assignments obtained by VADAR (25) for trans-membrane barrel proteins B-factor 10 332 sequences Residue-specific B-factors obtained directly from PDB (26) files of non-membrane X-ray structures
% 2° Structure (cytoplasmic) 15 002 sequences 3-state 2° structure content obtained by VADAR (25) for non-membrane proteins RMSF (integerized) 2134 sequences Scaled (0–9) residue-specific RMSF values determined from NMR structures via SuperPose (29)
Beta Turns 14 571 sequences 5-state beta-turn assignments obtained via VADAR (25) for non-membrane proteins RMSF 2134 sequences Residue-specific root mean square fluctuation (RMSF) determined from NMR structures via SuperPose (29)
Coiled-coil 824 sequences 2-state, positional assignments for coiled coil regions from the Paircoil2 training set (15) Order Parameter (integerized) 9800 sequences Scaled (0–9) residue-specific order parameter (model free) determined using Contact Model method (2)
Edge/Central Beta Strands 13 255 sequences 2-state beta strand type assignments obtained by VADAR (25) and pattern recognition programs Order Parameter 9800 sequences Residue-specific order parameter (model free) determined using Contact Model method (2)
Beta Hairpins 8600 sequences 2-state beta hairpin assignments obtained by VADAR (25) and pattern recognition programs Contact Order 14 769 sequences Contact order calculated using method of Plaxco et al. (1) directly from PDB coordinates
Disulfide Bonds 2785 sequences Disulfide bond pairings obtained by VADAR (25) and PDB comment fields Folding Rate 83 sequences Experimentally measured folding rates (ln[kf]) obtained from multiple sources (1,3)
SPdb (Eukaryotic, Gram+, Gram−) 2590 sequences Experimentally verified 2-state signal peptide assignments obtained from the SPdb (21) grouped via organism type 3D Folding Decoys 52 sequences PDB coordinates for misfolded or improperly folded proteins generated via different 3D prediction tools