Identification of the C-terminal interacting
domain in PKD2. (A) Direct interaction between the
C-terminal tail of PKD2 and TRPC1. In vitro column
binding of 35S-PKD2 and 35S-CaM to
GST-TRPC1/D639–S750 or
GST-TRPC1/S662–S750 (lanes 1–4). Lane 1
shows 0.1× the input amount of 35S-PKD2 and
35S-CaM. Bound 35S-PKD2 and 35S-CaM
to GST, GST-TRPC1/D639-S750, or
GST-TRPC1/S662–S750 is shown in lanes 2–4
and the immobilized amounts of GST,
GST-TRPC1/D639–S750, and
GST-TRPC1/S662–S750 subjected to in
vitro column binding are shown in lanes 7–9. To obtain an
estimate of the immobilized amounts of GST,
GST-TRPC1/D639–S750, or
GST-TRPC1/S662–S750 used in the in
vitro column binding assays, 1 or 5 μg of purified GST is
shown in lanes 5 and 6. A lower molecular weight band corresponding to
a C-terminal proteolytic product of 35S-PKD2 is shown by an
arrow below the band corresponding to full-length 35S-PKD2.
(B) cDNAs corresponding to the entire C-terminal cytoplasmic
region of PKD2, systematic N- or C-terminal deletions of this region
(amino acid residues 679–968) or nonconserved substitutions in the
region 822–895 were tested for their interaction with the cytoplasmic
tail of TRPC1 (D639–S750) or PKD1
(P4124–T4303) by the yeast two-hybrid assay.
Positive interactions were scored for both survival in plates lacking
histidine (his+) and production of β-galactosidase