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. 2007 Dec 19;105(3):845–852. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0710189104

Table 5.

Weighted estimates of the effect of concentrated disadvantage on verbal ability: PHDCN cohorts 6–12, African-American children

Treatment, bottom quartile of concentrated disadvantage in Chicago neighborhoods
Fully balanced sample at wave 1(n = 724 subjects) Fully balanced sample at wave 2(n = 638 subjects)
Basic model parameters Coefficient (SE) Coefficient (SE)
    Intercept 1.25 (0.73) −0.13 (0.85)
    Wave 1 −3.46** (0.63) −3.67** (0.71)
    Wave 2 −3.88** (0.79) −3.42** (0.89)
Causal parameters of interest
    Effect of wave 1 concentrated disadvantage on wave 1 verbal ability −0.75 (1.29) 0.04 (1.15)
    Effect of wave 1 concentrated disadvantage on wave 2 verbal ability −4.28* (1.78) −3.28* (1.62)
    Effect of wave 2 concentrated disadvantage on wave 2 verbal ability 1.40 (1.85) 0.86 (1.79)
Conditional variance components
    Within subjects by neighborhood 73.44 70.61
    Between subjects 115.45 126.79
    Between neighborhoods 3.26 3.94
    Treatment slope 57.35 56.62

Verbal ability constructed to have a mean of 0 and SD of 15 points. Data are IPT-weighted and cross-classified, with time points nested within subjects and time-varying neighborhoods.

*, Significant at P < 0.05 (two-tailed)

**, significant at P < 0.01.