Fig. 4.
Distribution of PfEMP-1 signal on the surface of unfixed parasitized AA, AS, and SS erythrocytes. Confocal cross-sections through the midplane (Upper) or maximum projections of z stacks through the upper cell surface (Lower) of trophozoite-infected erythrocytes probed with a polyclonal antiserum against PfEMP-1 (FVO line). (a) PfEMP-1 fluorescence patterns typical of a parasitized AA erythrocyte. (b) Fluorescence patterns from a parasitized AS erythrocyte, similar to those of parasitized AA erythrocytes. (c) Irregular, patchy PfEMP-1 distribution on a parasitized AS erythrocyte. (d) Fluorescence patterns from a parasitized SS erythrocyte, similar to those of parasitized AA erythrocytes. (e) Irregular, patchy fluorescence signals from abnormally displayed PfEMP-1 on an SS erythrocyte.