Fig. 3.
MDS solutions for perceptual spaces of humans, male zebrafish, and female zebrafish. Abbreviations and symbols are as in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively. (A) MDS recovers intuitive groupings of stimulus phenotypes from similarity rankings by human subjects. MDS solution: R2 = 0.67; stress (a lack-of-fit measure; refs. 29 and 30), s = 0.22. (B and C) Shoaling preference spaces for male (B) and female (C) zebrafish differ dramatically from one another and from human perceptions of these phenotypes. (B) MDS solution for zebrafish males: R2 = 0.51; s = 0.27. (C) MDS solution for zebrafish females: R2 = 0.52; s = 0.26.