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. 2008 Feb 20;3(2):e1568. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0001568

Table 7. Confounded Age Contrasts by ProM Subdomain (Vigilance, ProM Proper, Habitual ProM) and Cue Type (Event, Time) in Laboratory Settings.

First Author & Year Exp. no. Condition Ongoing Task No. cues # Cue-Action pairs Lenient/Strict Scoring Young n Older n ProM Young M ProM Older M ProM Age Effect Confounds
Huppert '00 [52] 1 name & address u/t 1 1 S 2992 191 0.68 0.20 - dem
Mantyla '97 [61] 1 signature u/t 1 1 S 500 500 0.54 0.30 - dem
Cherry '01 [17] 1 specific cue E&M STM 3 1 S 16 16 0.90 0.50 - o,i
Cherry '01 [17] 1 general cue E&M STM 3 1 S 16 16 0.54 0.29 - o,i
Cherry '01 [17] 2 specific cue E&M STM 3 1 S 20 20 0.53 0.62 + o,i
Cherry '01 [17] 2 general cue E&M STM 3 1 S 20 20 0.43 0.27 - o,i
Cherry '01 [17] 3 specific/typical E&M STM 3 1 S 12 12 0.86 0.61 - o,i
Cherry '01 [17] 3 general/typical E&M STM 3 1 S 12 12 0.67 0.44 - o,i
Cherry '01 [17] 3 specific/atypical E&M STM 3 1 S 12 12 0.78 0.75 - o,i
Cherry '01 [17] 3 general/atypical E&M STM 3 1 S 12 12 0.44 0.28 - o,i
Cherry '03 [58] 1 low com./low sup./trial 1 E&M STM 3 1 S 18 18 0.28 0.67 + o,i
Cherry '03 [58] 1 low com./low sup./trial 2 E&M STM 3 1 S 18 18 0.61 0.44 - o,i
Cherry '03 [58] 1 low com./low sup./trial 3 E&M STM 3 1 S 18 18 0.72 0.67 - o,i
Cherry '03 [58] 1 low com./high sup./trial 1 E&M STM 3 1 S 18 18 0.39 0.44 + o,i
Cherry '03 [58] 1 low com./high sup./trial 2 E&M STM 3 1 S 18 18 0.50 0.61 + o,i
Cherry '03 [58] 1 low com./high sup./trial 3 E&M STM 3 1 S 18 18 0.67 0.61 - o,i
Cherry '03 [58] 1 high com./low sup./trial 1 E&M STM 3 3 S 18 18 0.22 0.22  =  o,i
Cherry '03 [58] 1 high com./low sup./trial 2 E&M STM 3 3 S 18 18 0.22 0.28 + o,i
Cherry '03 [58] 1 high com./low sup./trial 3 E&M STM 3 3 S 18 18 0.22 0.17 - o,i
Cherry '03 [58] 1 high com./high sup./trial 1 E&M STM 3 3 S 18 18 0.44 0.44  =  o,i
Cherry '03 [58] 1 high com./high sup./trial 2 E&M STM 3 3 S 18 18 0.56 0.22 - o,i
Cherry '03 [58] 1 high com./high sup./trial 3 E&M STM 3 3 S 18 18 0.72 0.22 - o,i
Einstein '90 [4] 1 no aid E&M STM 3 1 S 12 12 0.47 0.47  =  o,i
Einstein '90 [4] 1 aid E&M STM 3 1 S 12 12 0.83 0.69 - o,i
Einstein '90 [4] 2 familiar E&M STM 3 1 S 12 12 0.28 0.36 + o,i
Einstein '90 [4] 2 unfamiliar E&M STM 3 1 S 12 12 0.83 0.94 + o,i
Einstein '92 [8] 1 1 trg/short E&M STM 3 1 S 12 12 0.58 0.53 - o
Einstein '92 [8] 1 1 trg/long E&M STM 3 1 S 12 12 0.42 0.61 + o
Einstein '92 [8] 1 4 trg/short E&M STM 3 4 S 12 12 0.58 0.19 - o
Einstein '92 [8] 1 4 trg/long E&M STM 3 4 S 12 12 0.47 0.11 - o
Einstein '92 [8] 2 4 trg E&M STM 3 4 S 12 12 0.53 0.14 - o
Einstein '95 [55] 3 q&a Q&A 6 1 S 18 13 0.93 0.86 - o
McDaniel '03 [5] 2b full paragraphs 8 2 S 12 12 0.97 0.93 - o
McDaniel '03 [5] 2b divided paragraphs 8 2 S 12 12 0.87 0.87  =  o
McDaniel '03 [5] 1 5 s/unfilled paragraphs 8 2 S 20 20 0.90 0.45 - o
McDaniel '03 [5] 1 5 s/filled paragraphs 8 2 S 20 20 0.85 0.35 - o
McDaniel '03 [5] 1 15 s/unfilled paragraphs 8 2 S 20 20 0.85 0.48 - o
McDaniel '03 [5] 1 15 s/filled paragraphs 8 2 S 20 20 0.82 0.52 - o
McDaniel '03 [5] 1 5 s/unfilled/rehearsal paragraphs 8 2 S 20 20 0.90 0.74 - o
McDaniel '03 [5] 1 5 s/filled/rehearsal paragraphs 8 2 S 20 20 0.85 0.47 - o
McDaniel '03 [5] 1 15 s/unfilled/rehearsal paragraphs 8 2 S 20 20 0.85 0.60 - o
McDaniel '03 [5] 1 15 s/filled/rehearsal paragraphs 8 2 S 20 20 0.82 0.57 - o
McDaniel '03 [5] 2a break/full paragraphs 8 2 S 40 40 0.93 0.79 - o
McDaniel '03 [5] 2a break/divided paragraphs 8 2 S 40 40 0.78 0.52 - o
McDaniel '03 [5] 2a trivia/full paragraphs 8 2 S 40 40 0.82 0.53 - o
McDaniel '03 [5] 2a trivia/divided paragraphs 8 2 S 40 40 0.77 0.40 - o
Cherry '99 [56] 1 low IQ E&M STM 6 1 S 24 24 0.65 0.40 - o,i
Cherry '99 [56] 1 high IQ E&M STM 6 1 S 24 24 0.68 0.69 + o,i
Reese '02 [57] 1 low IQ E&M STM 6 1 S 32 32 0.59 0.51 - o,i
Reese '02 [57] 1 high IQ E&M STM 6 1 S 32 32 0.64 0.65 + o,i
Cockburn '94 [62] 1 RBMT u/t 0 0 L 44 43 0.87 0.81 - item
Kidder '97 [18] 1 DOW/ProM u/t 5 1 L 90 80 0.45 0.25 - item, e(6y,23o)
Kliegel '00 [63] 1 RBMT u/t 1 1 S 31 31 0.48 0.60 + item
Martin '03 [40] 1 RBMT u/t 1 1 S 40 40 0.63 0.83 + item
EC Vigilance
Bastin '02 [106] 1 12-event/recall absent WMLVar 12 1 S 24 24 1.00 0.99 - o
Bastin '02 [106] 1 12-event/recall present WMLVar 12 1 S 24 24 0.95 0.93 - o
Bastin '02 [106] 1 6-event/recall absent WMLVar 6 1 S 24 24 0.99 1.00 + o
Bastin '02 [106] 1 6-event/recall present WMLVar 6 1 S 24 24 0.84 0.79 - o
Einstein '00 [4] 1 no del/standard paragraphs 8 2 S 20 20 0.97 0.95 - o
Einstein '00 [4] 1 no del/divided paragraphs 8 2 S 20 20 0.96 0.88 - o
Einstein '00 [4] 1 delay exe/standard paragraphs 8 2 S 20 20 0.82 0.77 - o
Einstein '00 [4] 1 delay exe/divided paragraphs 8 2 S 20 20 0.72 0.48 - o
Einstein '00 [4] 2 10s/unfilled paragraphs 4 2 S 24 24 0.88 0.42 - o
Einstein '00 [4] 2 10s/filled paragraphs 4 2 S 24 24 0.75 0.42 - o
Einstein '00 [4] 2 30s/unfilled paragraphs 4 2 S 24 24 0.88 0.44 - o
Einstein '00 [4] 2 30s/filled paragraphs 4 2 S 24 24 0.79 0.55 - o
Einstein '95 [55] 3 q&a Q&A 6 1 S 18 13 0.65 0.32 - o
TC Vigilance
Bastin '02 [106] 1 high freq./recall absent WMLVar 12 1 S 24 24 0.94 0.88 - o
Bastin '02 [106] 1 high freq./recall present WMLVar 12 1 S 24 24 0.87 0.57 - o
Bastin '02 [106] 1 low freq./recall absent WMLVar 6 1 S 24 24 0.94 0.72 - o
Bastin '02 [106] 1 low freq./recall present WMLVar 6 1 S 24 24 0.80 0.48 - o

Note. Confounds: o  =  ongoing task was easier for older adults; i  =  older adults were substantially more intelligent than younger adults; dem  =  older group had higher proportion of participants who scored in dementia range on screening tests; e(6y, 23o)  =  exclusion of subjects (6 young, 23 old) for various reasons; ep (0y,5o)  =  exclusion of subjects (0 young, 5 old) because of low ProM performance; item  =  participants were to request a personal item back but the items varied from participant to participant; #cues  =  number of ProM cues varied from participant to participant.

Ongoing task: u/t  =  unrelated tasks; Q&A  =  questions and answers; PA  =  paired associates; WM  =  working memory; E&M STM  =  Einstein & McDaniel Short Term Memory task (WM task); WML3  =  working memory task; WMLVar  =  working memory task.


Patton'93: ProM task was “to shut off the movie after exactly 30 min had elapsed”. However, the article reports only deviation from target shut off time in s. Since the article does not mention that any participants forget to shut off the movie, it is assumed that all did.