Strychnine block of muscle AcChoRs is noncompetitive. Dose-response curve for AcCho-current in the absence (filled circle) and presence (open circles) of strychnine measured in the same oocyte. Continuous lines represent least squares fits to the Hill equation I[AcCho] = Imax·[AcCho]n/([AcCho]nH + EC50nH), where I[AcCho] is the AcCho dose-dependent current amplitude, Imax is the amplitude of the control AcCho-current, EC50 is the half-excitatory concentration of AcCho, and nH is the Hill coefficient. (Inset) Membrane currents elicited by two concentrations of AcCho superfused on one oocyte expressing muscle α1β1γδ AcChoRs. After 4 min, AcCho and 10 μM strychnine were coapplied.